Saturday, 20 September 2014

Post Referendum Blues

Being a Scot living in Scotland I thought I'd share a wee bit about my feelings 2 days after the No Vote. I voted Yes and yesterday was hellish for me both physically and mentally. I had a really sad sense of dissapointment in the result.

The reasons I voted Yes were not just for Scotland as a nation but especially for the future of the younger generation and for people all over the UK to help them get back more say over how decisions that affect us all are made. That and the abolition of Trident.
I was interested to read that the majority of 16/17 year olds voted Yes too and this gives me hope, hope that they will vote the right way in the genral election when they are 18. I was also so sad for the overwhelming Yes votes that came from our most deprived areas of Scotland.

I am saddened that the majority of No Voters were over the age of 55, I can't help feeling how selfish of them! Will they feel the same way if their free bus passes and prescriptions are taken away.

One thing I am determined to do is involve myself more in politics at a grass roots level, maybe as an activist in keeping young people more involved and engaged in their future.

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